Algorithms embedded in physical systems
About Research
The Alephsys Lab is part of the Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics at the "Universitat Rovira i Virgili" of Tarragona. The core of our research activity is aimed at investigating the laws governing the structure and dynamics of complex networked systems.
Modeling Communicable Diseases, Human Mobility, and Epidemics: A Review
The spatiotemporal propagation patterns of recent infectious diseases, originated as localized epidemic outbreaks and eventually becoming global pandemics, are highly influenced b...
Explosive Synchronization and Multistability in Large Systems of Kuramoto Oscillators with Higher-Order Interactions
Since its original formulation, the Kuramoto model and its many variants have served as critical tools for uncovering and understandin...
The interconnection between independent reactive control policies drives the stringency of local containment
The lack of medical treatments and vaccines upon the arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has made non-pharmaceutical interventions the best allies...
Percolation in networks with local homeostatic plasticity
Percolation is a process that impairs network connectedness by deactivating links or nodes. This process features a phase transition that resembles paradigmatic critical transitions in epidemic...
Team Member
Our Team
Researcher profile image
Alex Arenas
Full Professor
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Sergio Gómez
Associate Professor
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Jordi Duch
Associate Professor
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Clara Granell
Associate Professor
Researcher profile image
Piergiorgio Castioni
PhD Candidate
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Lluis Torres
PhD Candidate
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Mattia Mattei
PhD Candidate
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David Soriano